StaticStop Flooring is a free-floating, interlocking, modular ESD flooring system utilizing proprietary technology and recycled materials.
StaticStop produces environmentally friendly, high-performance ESD flooring products that offer protection for ESD sensitive devices when used with heel grounders or ESD shoes. A proper ESD floor is the foundation of a good ESD control plan. Most electronic facilities use a standard vinyl tile and ESD wax which is very often applied by maintenance companies that have no experience with ESD so the floors very often fail the ESD tests.

Static Stop Freestyle or Select Tile floors are permanently ESD - no waxing is required and they will pass all ESD tests virtually maintenance-free.
Many manufacturers create ESD programs that are even stricter than these standards due to the sensitivity of the devices being made. StaticStop along with the team at Restronics has the products, expertise, and knowledge to provide the right flooring solution at the best value to meet these stringent EPA requirements. They are the only modular ESD flooring company that can provide a floating floor that will not harm your product.
ESD Flooring is important for two reasons:
Not only can your products be damaged by ESD, but also the very act of performing tasks that require handling and assembly can cause damage. While it's impossible to avoid ESD entirely, StaticStop Flooring offers you a product with which you can work safely and securely knowing that your employees and your products will be protected from electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Another significant benefit of the Static Stop floating ESD floor is upon deciding to deploy an ESD floor most ESD tiles are “glue-down” and to do that, the entire room or area must be vacated with all equipment moved out and then the floor must be prepped, cleaned, moisture tested, then a conductive adhesive applied and then the ESD glue-down tile. All this typically could take a week of closing that area. With the floating Static Stop ESD tiles you don’t have to do anything other than lay out the tiles and then tap the interlocking edges to install. Saving thousands of dollars on installation and downtime.
Give Restronics New England a call to discuss your ESD flooring needs and let us show you a sample of the Static Stop floating ESD floor.